The Emperor is Wearing No Clothes
[This post has been fact checked as false information: Our independent fact checkers have flagged the above statement as containing false or misleading information.]
Fact checked by Evan Gotaklu:
For his royal appearance, the Emperor enlisted the help of tailor-to-the-stars, Abu Dashery, to make his new clothes. Dashery sourced the materials from Jaan Spinners, a credited textiles company that has been producing high quality materials for over twenty years. There is no evidence to suggest that the Emperor’s tailor made any error in judgement, or has somehow lied to the Emperor about the quality or nature of the textiles used.
A correspondent for the Emperor has criticised claims that the new clothes were not real as “deeply offensive”. She said “the Emperor is aware of a number of conspiracy theories surrounding the validity of His Majesty’s new attire, worn for his latest public appearance. The palace wholeheartedly condemns these conspiracy theories, and wishes to thank the thousands in attendance who supported His Majesty in celebrating such a momentous occasion for the nation’s most talented fashion designers.”
In a recent peer-reviewed paper, Dr. Sheerthreads of Ceethru University debunked claims that the garments were non-existent as “conjecture and conspiracy theory”. He goes on to explain how certain blends of materials can be “made to refract light in such a way that they appear incredibly fine and diaphanous in certain natural lights”.
An article posted by clinical psychologist Dr. Uda Thunkett of the University of Cottonville theorised that conspiracy theories surrounding the Emperor’s clothes could in fact be the result of a psycho-erotic episode aimed towards the Emperor himself. Dr. Thunkett said “We have conducted this experiment in a close control group and the results conclude beyond any reasonable doubt, evidence of a correlation between the adoration of powerful people and episodes of psycho-eroticism. These episodes cause the sufferer to convince themselves that the person they see is naked.”
If you disagree with our decision, you can appeal below. Please provide as much detail as possible, as to why you think our decision was wrong.
Hi, I believe your decision was wrong based on the following: Evan Gotaklu, the fact-checker, moonlights as a consultant for a financial company called Ondarob Finance Specialists PLC, which just so happened to have invested £23m in Jaan Spinners–the company who produce the Emperor’s “material”. Furthermore, Doctors Sheerthreads and Thunkett both received six-figure research and development grants in the last twelve months by the Emperor’s not-for-profit organisation Clothes Minded. I believe my assessment to be correct, and call into question the validity and viability of the fact-checker, whose involvement with OFS presents itself as a conflict of interest. So I repeat: The emperor is wearing no clothes.
We reviewed your appeal and we still think your post went against our community standards for false information. Your account has now been suspended for 30 days.
Cheers for reading.
Image source: Love Wimbledon